MADD Virginia E-Newsletter October 2024
National Teen Driver Safety Week is October 20-26
Parents need to take the time to sit down and talk with their teens about safety behind the wheel. “A teen’s inexperience behind the wheel makes them more susceptible to crashes, so including teen safety messaging in a traffic safety communication plan is important. Specific risk factors for teens behind the wheel include alcohol and drug use, not wearing a seat belt, distracted driving, additional passengers, speeding, and drowsy driving.” Source
Teen Driving Facts in the United States (Source):
- The leading cause of death in people ages 15-18 is motor vehicle crashes
- 811 teen drivers were killed in a motor vehicle crash in 2022
Don’t let your child become part of these statistics. Talk to your teens about wearing a seat belt, distracted driving, and driving under the influence. Do your part to keep the roads safe for you, your teen, and every other driver.
Victim Services Note from Isabelle Rhinehart:
Are you interested in sharing your story? Some find it beneficial in their healing journey to share their story with others and the impact impaired driving has in their life. We have volunteer opportunities that will accommodate your schedule so whether you have availability a couple times a year or a couple times a week, we are the place for you! We also have many ways to share your story so you can choose what is most comfortable for you. This includes thanking law enforcement at their sobriety checkpoint briefings for keeping our roads safe, training as a Help Line Volunteer, sharing your story at events, schools, and other organizations or signing up for our walk and raising funds towards our mission. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please reach out to me at [email protected].
Calendar -
10/30/24 - MADD Mid-Atlantic Monthly Virtual Support Group via Teams at 1:00 pm
Volunteer Brian Fitzgerald shared his story and thanked officers at a Henrico Police Checkpoint briefing on August 30th. Brian was hit by a drunk driver who veered into a work zone on the side of I 64. The drunk driver continued driving out of the work zone and attempted to leave the scene.
Volunteer Mary Mitchell shares her story at the Norfolk Naval Base. Mary and her family were hit by an impaired driver.
Invite MADD Virginia to your next meeting or community event. We have FREE in-person (or virtual) presentations on underage drinking prevention and impaired driving, victim speakers who can share their stories, or we can set up a table at your event and distribute resources.
This newsletter is supported by a federal highway safety grant administered by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.
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Mothers Against Drunk Driving
5310 Markel Rd #101 Richmond, VA 23230 | 877.ASK.MADD
24-Hour Victim Help Line 877.MADD.HELP
© 2024 Mothers Against Drunk Driving