Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over is a national enforcement campaign that runs from August 16 – September 2, Labor Day weekend. This campaign focuses on the dangers and consequences of drinking and driving with an increase in law enforcement on the roads to help decrease the number of drunk drivers on the road. Source
There were 98 alcohol related crash over the Labor Day weekend in 2023. Unfortunately, 5 people died and 15 serious injured because of an alcohol related crash that weekend, one of them being a teenager. People ages 21-40 represented 60% of fatalities an alcohol related crash during Labor Day weekend.
The DMV Highway Safety Office has developed new strategies aiming to prevent alcohol-impaired driving that involves increasing impaired driving safety messages at restaurants, bars, and college sporting events. Bars and restaurants would advertise impaired driving safety messages on digital displays such as televisions at participating locations. In addition, impactful messaging will be at sporting events at Virginia Commonwealth University and James Madison University. This project is ongoing.
Labor Day Facts: Source