An Ancient Migration | Reef’s Resilience | Mysteries of the Red Sea Beneath the Surface

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January 2019 
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, And Happy New Year!


pacific ocean

1: What an Ocean Remembers

Echoes of the Little Ice Age Cool Deep Ocean Waters
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pilot whale

2: Whale Slang

The Tribal Dialects of Pilot Whales
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seal level rise

3: An Uneven Rise

Earth's Rebounding Crust Transforms Sea Level Rise
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7: Tiny Plastics Prompt Big Investigation

An estimated eight million tons of plastics enter our oceans each year, yet only one percent can be seen floating at the surface. Read our three-part article series about how researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution are trying to understand the fate of “hidden” microplastics and their impacts on marine life and human health.



8: Take the Whale Cruise of a Lifetime

Join Woods Hole Oceanographic’s whale researchers March 2-15, 2019 on a voyage of discovery to one of the most untouched and spectacular environments on Earth—the Antarctica Peninsula. Enjoy breathtaking scenery from aboard Polar Latitudes’ luxury vessel, Island Sky. Book now!


9: Peanut Butter Club

Presents the video “Ghosts of Stonehenge” on Friday, January 11, at noon, in Redfield Auditorium, 45 Water St., Woods Hole. Archaeologists have uncovered provocative new clues about Stonehenge and the culture that drove its construction. Sponsored by the WHOI Visitor Center. Coffee, tea, and cookies served. Donations accepted. More »


10: Events Calendar

View the schedule for seminars, forums, lectures and more. More »




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The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is dedicated to research and education to advance understanding of the ocean and its interaction with the Earth system, and to communicating this understanding for the benefit of society. LEARN MORE

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