Learn about how sloths depend on the Amazon rainforest, and don’t delay: help RAN raise $30,000 before their deadline to help endangered animals like me.


I’m going to break this down for you slowly, cause that’s my speed — I’m the slowest mammal on Earth, after all — my top speed is .15 mph! Three-toed sloths like me even grow algae on our fur because we’re so sedentary.

I live most of my life in the treetops (only coming down once a week to, ahem, defecate), so rainforests are absolutely critical to my survival. I mean, I’m literally a tree hugger!

That’s why the Big Give is so important to me. We’re still more than $20,000 away from our goal of raising $30,000 by International Orangutan Day. It’s not too late to help, Friend: every dollar you donate will make a big, BIG difference!

Here’s the thing, Friend. I may be really slow, but the deforestation of my home in the Amazon rainforest is happening at unprecedented speeds, and I, for one, can’t just run away from it. 

If deforestation isn’t stopped in the next decade, scientists predict that the trees I depend on to survive — that YOU depend on for fresh air, clean water and food — could disappear entirely. We’re talking about the largest rainforest in the world disappearing!

I really need your help to make sure that doesn’t happen. I’m just not fast enough to do it on my own, so I need lots of people like you to come together and take rainforest protection seriously.

Every year now, the Amazon is burned by Big Agriculture, like the soy and beef industries, to clear land — it’s just not being covered by the news anymore. Sloths like me simply can’t escape these devastating fires.

There's still time, Friend: we need you to hang on to the Amazon and fight for our future.

I hope you’ll move faster than me to help end deforestation and ensure my survival.

For the forests,

Three-Toed Sloth
Amazon Rainforest
Rainforest Action Network




At RAN, we take the “Network” in our name seriously. It is only through your support that we are able to fund major campaigns for the forests, their inhabitants and the natural systems that sustain life. Please consider joining RAN as a Member by making a gift today.

425 Bush St, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States
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