ELCA Foundation: Make a plan. Change the world.
When you want to give back to this church and the ministries that mean the most to you, the ELCA Foundation is here to help.

These snippets are available for you to copy and paste into your bulletins.
The ELCA wants to hear your voice on climate
You are invited to share your attitudes and perspectives through the five-minute American Climate Metric Survey by ecoAmerica. The ELCA partners with ecoAmerica through its Blessed Tomorrow coalition of religious partners. Responses to this survey will help to shape strategy and planning in the coming year. Your responses are anonymous. The survey will close Tuesday, May 28.
Should you encounter any problems or questions while taking the survey, please contact Jennifer Giordano at ecoAmerica. Take the survey: .
Augsburg Fortress free summer music clinics
Learn from our exceptional clinicians, Mark Sedio and David Cherwien, at the Augsburg Fortress free summer music clinics. Attendees can also enjoy a handbell clinic and a hymn festival. Learn more and sign up at Dates and locations:
- Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.: July 16-17
- Columbia, S.C.: July 19-20
- Philadelphia, Pa.: Aug. 1-2
- Columbus, Ohio: Aug. 5-6
- Chicago, Ill.: Aug. 8-9
Mission Investment Fund (MIF): Invest now and earn 5.05% APY1 on the new 7-Month Term Investment2
Invest with the Mission Investment Fund’s new 7-Month Fixed-Rate Term Investment and take advantage of its newest term, its highest rate and this limited-time opportunity to make a real difference in our communities of faith.
Investing with MIF means more than a high rate of return. That’s because MIF investments fund building and renovation loans that extend the capacity of ELCA congregations and ministries to share God’s love. As always, MIF remains a reliable financial investment choice for individuals and ministries.
See what the Mission Investment Fund can offer at
1.Mission Investment Fund investments are subject to certain risks. See "Risk Factors" in MIF's Offering Circular. MIF's investments are not bank accounts. As securities issued by a nonprofit institution, the investments are not insured by FDIC, SIPC or any other federal or state regulatory agency. The securities are sold only by means of the Offering Circular. This is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities described here.
2.At maturity this Term Investment automatically renews into a three-year term with the then-current fixed APR unless the investor affirmatively elects to change the term of their investment, selects a new investment product or redeems the investment, pursuant to the terms of the Offering Circular and the maturity notice. Unless otherwise stated herein and in the investment-specific terms and conditions, this term investment is subject to all other terms and conditions set forth in the Offering Circular. This term investment may not be available at all times; in its discretion, MIF may discontinue offering this investment product.