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Coming Soon: 2024 Grant Opportunity and Advisory Team
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Keep your inboxes nice and open this spring so you can catch important updates from Disability Ministries! Soon we will be releasing information about a grant opportunity in spring/summer 2024. Check our blog for more details to come!
This spring and summer we will also be looking for one or two people to join our Disability Ministries advisory team. As we share information for expanding the team, we hope you will prayerfully discern a passion for this ministry and all that we do.

For information on these two opportunities, subscribe to our blog. This will be a busy year, but a great one, for Disability Ministries.
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Reflection on the Youth Extravaganza
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In this month’s featured blog, the Rev. Peter Heide reflects on his experience with ELCA Disability Ministries at the ELCA Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza in New Orleans. Read more here!

Including Autistic Children in Church
In this article from Faith+Lead, Kristin Thomas Sancken shares what her autistic daughter, Lucy, and the rest of their family experienced in congregational life and worship. The article provides more than just tips for being inclusive; it gives readers hope and a new perspective on hospitality and welcoming for autistic children and their families.
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April is Autism Acceptance Month!
For this Autism Acceptance Month, we invite you to check out some resources provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here you will find a partner tool kit, access to studies, and social media content. How might your congregation come together to think beyond awareness and promote acceptance of our autistic siblings in Christ?
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