Pursuing a just world where all are fed

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World Hunger

50 Years of ELCA World Hunger

For 50 years we have joined together as Lutherans to address the root causes of hunger and poverty through ELCA World Hunger. Part of this church’s long tradition of meeting human needs, ELCA World Hunger testifies to our hope for and commitment to God’s promise of a time when we will hunger and thirst no more. As we reflect on our last 50 years of ministry together, congregations are invited to celebrate the progress we've made against hunger and poverty, and to increase support for programs around the world. A new case statement documents 50 years of impact, and additional resources have been developed to support congregations in commemorating this milestone together. Learn more.

Living Lutheran: Writing about what we shy away from

On Living Lutheran, JN Shimko shares a review of Everyday Armageddons: Stories and Reflections on Death, Dying, God, and Waste by Matthew Holmes and Thomas R. Gaulke. As pastors, neither Holmes or Gaulke is a stranger to death — and this perspective led to them writing stories about the realities of death that people tend to shy away from. “This idea of death, ancient as it is, can be seen in the images that precede each chapter with the images selected, creating a journey from death as a part of life, the story of death pushed to the margins and concluding with a postmodern rumination. Reading the book, we are left determined that there has to be a better way to die.”

Living Lutheran

Sumud: For Justice in Palestine and Israel

The ELCA is committed to accompaniment, advocacy and awareness-raising with our partners in the Holy Land and in the United States. For the past two decades that work was organized through the Peace Not Walls campaign, but in October 2023 the ELCA announced that, following an in-depth review by ELCA staff and leadership from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, Peace Not Walls would be reconfigured as a new initiative, Sumud: For Justice in Palestine and Israel. Sumud is an Arabic word meaning “steadfastness.” Learn more about Sumud at the initiative’s website and through its Lenten video series.




Lutheran Eagle Scout recognized after 60 years | Living Lutheran

Samuel L. Jones earned the rank of Eagle Scout more than 60 years ago, but because he came from a low-income, single-parent home, he didn't receive his medal. Through the persistence of a friend from church, he finally did.

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ELCA Youth Gathering
Late registration closes

ELCA Youth Gathering
New Orleans, La.

“God’s work. Our hands.”
Day of service

Draft social statement on civic life and faith
Public comment period closes




Resource 1

Resource 2


We Are Christians Against Christian Nationalism

This new resource from ELCA Advocacy provides an overview of Christian nationalism from a Lutheran perspective. Discussion starters can seed conversations as we face this movement that distorts our faith and divides our country.

Lent readings from Living Lutheran

Each Sunday of Lent, Living Lutheran will share suggested readings and discussion questions to guide your reflection. You can discuss these questions in a small group or journal about them solo.

Lutheran Outdoor Ministries summer curriculum

Lutheran Outdoor Ministries offers a new Bible curriculum for camps, youth retreats, family events and vacation Bible schools. Everything you need for a weeklong program is provided, including Bible studies, crafts, take-home activities, group-building exercises and worship materials.






These snippets are available for you to copy and paste into your bulletins.

ELCA Conference of Bishops calls for cease-fire in Gaza

The Conference of Bishops met Feb. 27–March 5. Among other key business the conference issued a statement and sent a letter to President Joe Biden calling for a permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza and urging the president and legislators “to do everything in their power to bring an end to the current suffering and lay the foundation for lasting peace with justice.” Read more at ELCA.org/News-and-Events/8219.


Youth Gathering registration reminder

Late registration for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering, the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE), the tAble and the Young Adult Gathering is closing soon! Registration will be open until April 15. We’re excited for you to join us in New Orleans! Register today at ELCA.org/gathering.


Faithful Teaching: Lutherans and Catholics in Dialogue XII

For more than 50 years, Lutherans and Catholics in the United States have listened to the word of God in dialogue with one another. Faithful Teaching is the 12th dialogue of the U.S. Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue. It seeks greater mutual understanding of the two communions' respective processes of faithful teaching. Learn more at fortresspress.com/store/product/9781506495590/Faithful-Teaching.



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