Recognize the weariness and lift up the ministry of the people

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Boarding Schools

Month of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools

September is a month of remembrance for those who experienced Indian boarding schools. The ELCA’s Truth and Healing Movement will provide opportunities to learn about federal Indian boarding school policies and address the ongoing trauma those policies have caused. As a church, we are committed to understanding our role in this tragic and sinful history so that we can journey toward healing together.

On Sept. 30, the National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools, you are encouraged to wear an orange shirt and/or raise an orange flag and post a photo on social media using the hashtags #ELCA, #TruthAndHealing and #DayOfRemembrance. Learn more.


Living Lutheran: Beating burnout

Though burnout of rostered ministers after the pandemic has been widely acknowledged, burnout of active members of congregations is also being felt. Read Living Lutheran’s September/October lead feature, where Brenda Martin shares eight steps to rejuvenate congregational volunteers, ways to recognize signs of burnout and what ELCA congregations are doing to support their members. Read more, and download the study guide.

Living Lutheran
Youth Gathering

Registration now open for the ELCA Youth Gathering

Priority registration is now open for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering, the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE), the tAble and the Young Adult Gathering! 🥳You can save money by registering the majority of your group by Nov. 1. Remember that the earlier you register your group, the better your chances are of having your preferences honored. Register today!




“Why I Am Against Christian Nationalism” | Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton

Addressing Christian nationalism, Bishop Eaton says this dangerous ideology “is a perversion of the gospel and a threat to our democracy. It’s precisely because I love my country that I warn against Christian nationalism.”

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Stewardship Kaleidoscope
Minneapolis, Minn.

National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools
Wear Orange

Addiction and Faith Conference
Bloomington, Minn., and online

Civic Life and Faith
Study curriculum feedback due




Resource 1

Resource 2


Thrive 2023

Learn about how your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response share hope and healing with communities impacted by disasters in the United States and around the world.

NEW: Spanish study guide on civic life and faith

A six-session study from the ELCA Task Force on Studies for Civic Life and Faith is now available in Spanish. The study focuses on government and how Christians are called to participate in civic life.

New resources from ELCA World Hunger

New resources are now available from ELCA World Hunger to enrich the life of your congregation in Advent 2023 and Lent 2024. As congregations across the ELCA creatively find new ways to lean into the future, we are eager to equip leaders with ELCA World Hunger resources during the important church seasons of Advent and Lent.






These snippets are available for you to copy and paste into your bulletins.

God’s love made real (survey reminder)

Since we first asked you to join us in being church together, many have responded to this unprecedented opportunity, and there is still time to join us in the great conversation about Future Church: God’s Love Made Real!

We continue to learn about our church, what is strong and good and where we need to grow in Christ. If you have not yet, please take the survey and help us lean into what it means to create a world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation.

If you have already taken the survey: THANK YOU! Your voice helps us form the future of our church.


“Hope for the Future: A Study Document for Renewing Jewish-Christian Relations”

Hope for the Future: A Study Document for Renewing Jewish-Christian Relations,” newly published by the Lutheran World Federation, serves as an educational resource and reflective guide for renewing Jewish-Christian relations in both local and global contexts. Dr. Esther Menn, dean of academic affairs at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and chair of the ELCA Consultative Panel on Lutheran-Jewish Relations, served as the chair of the Study Document Task Force. Learn more and download the document at


“A Study Curriculum on Civic Life and Faith”

Feedback forms for “A Study Curriculum on Civic Life and Faith” are due Oct. 15. Your input is key to shaping a new social statement on church, state and civic participation. The study’s six sessions are customizable and focus on topics such as the purpose of democracy and how we as Lutherans relate to government. To download the sessions, go to A Spanish translation is now available.



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