HECHO - Hispanics Enjoying Camping, Hunting, and the Outdoors


March is Women’s History Month, and HECHO honors the leadership and contributions of women in conservation. Elevating their voices is essential to our mission. From Indigenous women in Oak Flat fighting for environmental justice and Latinas working in the wilderness to safeguard wildlife for future generations to many other female conservationists are an example of courage, resiliency, and strength.

Here are their stories and other important news about our efforts across the Southwest.


Women's History Month: Latinas in Conservation.

Yoseline Hyink, a Latina born and raised in Yuma, Arizona, works as a wildlife manager at the Arizona Game and Fish Department. She says her work in conservation has empowered her and wants to inspire other Hispanics. 

Read and watch her uplifting story 


Avi Kwa Ame and Castner Range have been designated National Monuments.

HECHO is pleased that President Biden and the Administration have listened to the request for the urgent protection of Avi Kwa Ame and Castner Range and designated them National Monuments through the Antiquities Act today.

Read our statement


Save Oak Flat From Foreign Mining Act

 This week, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Pasadena, California, will hear oral arguments to decide the fate of this sacred site in Arizona. Also, Representative Raúl Grijalva introduced the Save Oak Flat From Foreign Mining Act this month. 

Read our statement and take action by signing this petition to Congress


Westerners want their leaders to prioritize conservation

According to the latest Conservation in the West poll released by Colorado College, Westerners want their leaders to prioritize the conservation of water, public lands, and wildlife.

Check out the findings and our statement here.


The role of hunting in conservation 

Although not many people know it, this centuries-old tradition has a crucial role in conservation. HECHO's NM senior field coordinator has been hunting since he was a kid. Learn more about how hunters help to preserve the land and the habitat for wildlife in this eye-opening blog.

Read blog.



HCLC event in NM

Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council (HCLC) members from New Mexico met and had an engaging conversation with land management agencies to create stronger relationships and successful partnerships to protect public lands and better serve the community. Check the photos

HECHO on AZWF podcast

Our NM senior field coordinator, Max Trujillo, and communications director, Daniela Zavala, were invited to an episode of the Arizona Wildlife podcast to talk about HECHO’s work and how to connect the different demographics in conservation, outdoor activities, and public lands. Listen to it here

Resources & Opportunities

HECHO receives wonderful engagement opportunities that we'd like to share with our readers. If an opportunity speaks to you, click the link to learn more. 

  • HECHO will be in Pueblo, Alamosa, Monte Vista, and Ignacio, Colorado, on March 29-31st for Cafecitos with community leaders and advocates. If you're interested in attending these local events, contact [email protected] for more details.  
  • For this year's Earth Day, show your support for beautiful New Mexico lands by joining a special guided tour to Caja del Rio followed by a community-wide cleanup. Register for this free event.
  • Don't miss the largest outdoor expo in Arizona on March 25 and 26 at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix. This event, organized by the AZ Game and Fish Department, will feature many activities for everyone to enjoy. Learn more here
  • Join the Southwestern Water Conservation District's 39th Southwest Water Seminar on March 31st. A full day of in-depth discussions about securing a better water future for Coloradans. Registration is now open
  • Volunteer for Arizona Wildlife Federation and check out its upcoming projects & events. For more information, visit here and to get on their volunteer list, email Elise at [email protected] 
  • The flowers are blooming, and spring is right around the corner. Take advantage of the perfect weather in Arizona and plan your next adventure! Learn more about the opportunities to enjoy the splendor of the wildflowers in different state parks. 


Thanks for reading!

And thanks for being part of the HECHO community. Together we can elevate Hispanic voices in public lands policy.


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